Jorgen Ibenfeldt


Artist/Painter, Graphical Artist, well-known for his beautiful Motifs, published as Christmas stamps for The Red Cross Organisation.

Jorgen Ibenfeldt has for several years worked as a Commercial Artist for
Bjorn E Kolding, Hadeslev  Ugeavis and later at Haderslev Museum.

Mr. Ibenfeldt has as Artist/Painter been on study tours to different locations with the Painter/Artists Bernhard Petersen, New Zealand and Erich E Heilmann, Germany

Jorgen Ibenfeldt's latest publishing has been Artcards with motifs from "NORET", Hejlsminde and "Brønden ved Kirkepladsen" (The Well), Christiansfeld.

The Artcards are original prints from the Artist's water-colours.

The Motifs can be seen by clicking on the button "Art Gallery"